Monday, September 24, 2012


hmm im afraid of alot of crap. well lets begen. If i am going to tell you this im going to be compleatly real. ok. Im afraid of talking to girls(it still makes me nervous) Im afraid that people will think that i am stuped or gay or cocky(I know thats irrational) im afraid that people will think that im dumb(my spelling and grammer suck). im afraid that one day i will die alone. im afraid that i wont be able to get a good job. I am afraid of failure(my biggest fear). im afraid f one day finding out that something that i dit or said effected someone else so negatively that it plunged them into a spiral of depression(its happened). im afraid that one day i will come to a cross roads and wil have to chose my ultamate fate because if i choose wrong then im screwed. im afraid that one day i will wreck and the damage will be permanate this time(i have had over 12 concussions and have minor brain damage). im afraid that people will think i am fake. im afraid that one day my past will catch up to me. im afraid that one day i will fall back into my old habbits and be ok with it. im afraid that i wont ammount to anything.(i probably wont ammount to anything). im afraid of me slipping into deppresion again( i legitly hated myself and diddent want friends). im afraid that my parents wont like where i want to go to to colledge(dixie stateW00T) and that they will hate me because of it. im afraid that no one will read this. im afraid of god(even tho he says not to be) im afraid of death im afraid of eternity(im a deep thinker so thinking of eternity puts me to tears because it scares me).
You know what i kinda want to be one of those stoic badasses who just dont give a shit. (20 points to whoever guesses where that line it from;)

                                                                    Love Thomas fluffernutter

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